Thursday, July 24, 2008

My PCB Layout

Laying out a PCB, aargh! tired of it!
Nothing seems to get connected efficiently, nothing seems to perfectly fit.
Red and blue traces weaving their way across the board,
Making sure no component is ignored.
Or else the components will weep and short all the traces, :P
Testing is a major task that the PCB faces.
Power and ground planes still have to be laid out,
Sadly I can't use the auto-router, because, everything, I have to manually route.
Wow, this looks like it's gonna become a PCB tutorial in rhyme,
This laying out seems like such a punishment, I feel like I've committed a crime.
Sigh, a few more days, and this project shall be done,
And then I shall be on vacation, having TONS OF FUN!!!!!!!!


Some of my world views :P

Some things in the world are really boring,
And it's funny how 'boring' rhymes with 'snoring' :)
I dunno why people use paper to write notes,
It's so much better to use it to make paper planes and boats.
Two of my favorite things are randomness and weirdness,
Also, eating ice gives me immense happiness.
I remember, earlier, I used to write poems that were insightful,
But they were serious and sad, so now I write nonsense which is delightful.
Now I keep my deep thoughts to myself,
Because I realized they were not for the public bookshelf.
We humans don't always understand each other, I don't know why,
Maybe close friends and family understand us, they are the only ones who really try.
Mind's getting serious, must return to jokes,
But all I feel like saying right now is, "That's all folks!"